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Drive Couplers

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(1) Triangular Shape. Fits MIE inboards and Ski engines.
(2)(8) Use with metric or SAE screws. Steel splines for low speed work applications.
(3) Triangular shape, flywheel mounted.
(4) Fits MIE (inboard) and Ski engines
(5) Triangular shape for MIE and Ski inboards.
(6) Crankshaft stud mounted for MCM (sterndrive) Fords 225, 233 and 888 engines.
(7) Use with metric or SAE screws. Steel splines for low speed work applications.
(8)(2) Use with metric or SAE screws. Steel splines for low speed work applications.
(9) Crankshaft stud mounted.
(10) Triangular shape, flywheel mounted for 454 Mag.
(11) Round shape, flywheel mounted for MIE (inboard) engines.
(12) 6 point shape, flywheel mounted for MIE (inboards).

Don't forget to read about Engine Alignment.

Model CID/ #Cyl Year Range Serial # Range Engine Coupler
110 153/ L 4 1963 - 1966 1537370-2044033 76850A2
120 153/ L 4 1964 - 1982 1666601-6229717 76850A2
120 153/ L 4 1983 - 1986 6229718-0B531853 76850A2 (9)
120 153/ L 4 1983 - 1986 6229718-0B531853 12632A7 (3)
2.5L 153/ L 4 1987 - 1989 0B531854-0C853255 76850A2 (9)
2.5L 153/ L 4 1987 - 1989 0B531854-0C853255 12632A7 (3)

140 153/ L 4 1968 - 1982 2508261-6229717 76850A2
140 153/ L 4 1983 - 1986 6229718-0B450800 76850A2 (9)
140 153/ L 4 1983 - 1986 6229718-0B450800 12632A7 (3)
3.0L 153/ L 4 1987 - 1989 0B450801-0C856558 76850A2 (9)
3.0L 153/ L 4 1987 - 1989 0B450801-0C856558 12632A7 (3)
3.0L 153/ L 4 1990 - 1994 0C856559-0F603999 12632A7
3.0L 153/ L 4 1998 and newer 0L097000 and up 18643A5
3.0LX 153/ L 4 1990 - 1993 0C856559-0F000000 12632A7
3.0LX 153/ L 4 1994 - 1998 0F000001-0L096999 12632A6

165 224/ L 4 1987 - 1987 0B434941-0B774251 97432A2
170 224/ L 4 1985 - 1986 6916779-0B434940 97432A2
180 224/ L 4 1987 - 1987 0B436391-0B775248 97432A2
190 224/ L 4 1985 - 1986 6916779-0B436390 97432A2
3.7L 224/ L 4 1988 - 1989 0B774252 and up 97432A2
3.7LX 224/ L 4 1983 - 1989 0B775249 and up 97432A2
470 224/ L 4 1976 - 1982 4208730-6218036 69354A2
470 224/ L 4 1983 - 1984 6218037-6916778 97432A2
470 MIE 224/ L 4 1980 - 1981 5520115-6218036 N.L.A.
485 224/ L 4 1980 - 1982 5685394-6218036 69354A2
488 224/ L 4 1983 - 1984 6170297-6916779 97432A2

140 (6 cyl.) 194/ L 6 1963 - 1963 1538930-1664117 76850A2
150 230/ L 6 1964 - 1966 1664118-2048046 76850A2
160 250/ L 6 1967 - 1969 2048022-2770031 76850A2
165 (6 cyl.) 250/ L 6 1970 - 1981 2770032-5813433 76850A2
200 292/ L 6 1969 - 1969 2453769-2712072 N.L.A.

185 (4 bbl) 229/ V-6 1983 - 1984 6330183-6919655 76850A2
175 262/ V-6 1987 - 1987 0B527955-0B773242 18643A7
185 (2 bbl) 262/ V-6 1985 - 1986 0A331455-0B527954 76850A2 (9)
185 (2 bbl) 262/ V-6 1985 - 1986 0A331455-0B527954 18643A7 (3)
205 262/ V-6 1985 - 1986 0A331455-0B857954 76850A2 (9)
205 262/ V-6 1985 - 1986 0A331455-0B857954 18643A7 (3)
205 262/ V-6 1987 - 1987 0B527955-0B775129 18643A7
262 Mag.EFI (Gen +) 262/ V-6 1996 - 1997 0F803800-0K999999 18643A5
4.3L 262/ V-6 1988 - 1993 0B527955-0F000877 18643A7
4.3L 262/ V-6 1993 and newer 0F000878 and up 18643A5
4.3L EFI (Gen +) 262/ V-6 1998 - 2001 0L012009-0M299999 18643A5
4.3L MPI 262/ V-6 2001 and newer 0M300000 and up 18643A5
4.3LH (Gen +) 262/ V-6 1998 - 2002 0L010044-0M614999 18643A5
4.3LX 262/ V-6 1988 - 1993 0B775130-0F001219 18643A7
4.3LX (4 bbl) 262/ V-6 1993 - 1995 0F001220-0F802999 18643A5
4.3LX (Gen +)(2 bbl.) 262/ V-6 1996 - 1997 0F803000-0K999999 18643A5
4.3LXH (Gen +) 262/ V-6 1996 - 1997 0F803000-0K999999 18643A5

215 302/ V-8 1970 - 1972 2781153-3395720 47608A1
215 MIE 302/ V-8 1970 - 1972 2797057-3563181 47608A1 (5)
225 (Ford) 302/ V-8 1973 - 1974 3385721-4166999 59826A3 (6)
225 MIE (Ford)+ 302/ V-8 1973 - 1974 3750508-4176999 47608A1
888 302/ V-8 1971 - 1977 3108723-4887829 59826A3

190 (8 cyl.) 283/ V-8 1963 - 1964 1564539-1730903 76850A2
198 MIE 305/ V-8 1977 - 1977 4776402-4931099 47608A1
200 305/ V-8 1985 - 1986 6899058-0B525981 76850A2 (9)
200 305/ V-8 1985 - 1986 6899058-0B525981 18643A7 (3)
200 305/ V-8 1987 - 1987 0B525982-0B774444 18643A7
228 305/ V-8 1977 - 1982 4765100-6218461 76850A2
228 305/ V-8 1977 - 1984 6218462-6899268 76850A2
228 MIE 305/ V-8 1977 - 1980 4765100-5907057 47608A1
230 305/ V-8 1985 - 1987 6899269-0B773739 76850A2 (9)
230 305/ V-8 1985 - 1987 6899269-0B773739 18643A7 (3)
230 MIE 305/ V-8 1981 - 1987 5907058-0B788151 47608A1
5.0L (Alpha) 305/ V-8 1988 - 1993 0B774445-0F000000 18643A7
5.0L (Alpha) 305/ V-8 1994 - 1995 0F000001-0F600999 18643A5
5.0L (Bravo) 305/ V-8 1988 - 1995 0B774445-0F600999 861523A11
5.0L (Gen +)(Alpha) 305/ V-8 1998 and newer 0L015751 and up 18643A5
5.0L (Gen +) (Bravo) 305/ V-8 1998 and newer 0L015751 and up 861523A11 (8)
5.0L (Gen +) (Bravo) 305/ V-8 1998 and newer 0L015751 and up 861523A11 (2)
5.0L EFI (Alpha) 305/ V-8 1998 - 2001 0L012052-0M299999 18643A5
5.0L EFI (Bravo) 305/ V-8 1998 - 2001 0L015751-0M299999 861523A11 (8)
5.0L EFI (Bravo) 305/ V-8 1998 - 2001 0L015751-0M299999 861523A11 (2)
5.0L MIE 305/ V-8 1988 - 1988 0B788152-0C396832 47608A1
5.0L MPI (Alpha) 305/ V-8 2001 and newer 0M300000 and up 18643A5
5.0L MPI (Bravo) 305/ V-8 2001 and newer 0M300000 and up 861523A11 (8)
5.0L MPI (Bravo) 305/ V-8 2001 and newer 0M300000 and up 861523A11 (2)
5.0LX (Alpha) 305/ V-8 1988 - 1993 0B773740-0F000000 18643A7
5.0LX (Alpha) 305/ V-8 1994 - 1995 0F000001-0F600999 18643A5
5.0LX (Bravo) 305/ V-8 1988 - 1995 0B773740-0F600999 861523A11
898 305/ V-8 1977 - 1985 4762210-6899057 76850A2
225 (GM) 327/ V-8 1963 - 1969 1539620-2694014 76850A2
225 MIE (GM) 327/ V-8 1968 - 1968 2278647-2694014 47608A1
250 327/ V-8 1968 - 1969 2314301-2639854 47608A1
250 MIE 327/ V-8 1968 - 1969 2317201-2639854 47608A1
250 350/ V-8 1977 - 1977 4768000-4908849 76850A2
255 (GM) 350/ V-8 1975 - 1976 4175500-4767999 N.L.A.
255 MIE (GM) 350/ V-8 1975 - 1978 4175500-5195908 47608A1
260 350/ V-8 1978 - 1982 4908850-6218461 76850A2
260 350/ V-8 1982 - 1986 6218462-0B525981 76850A2 (9)
260 350/ V-8 1982 - 1986 6218462-0B525981 18643A7 (3)
260 350/ V-8 1987 - 1987 0B525982-0B773304 18643A7
260 MIE 350/ V-8 1981 - 1987 5907058-0B788196 47608A1
270 350/ V-8 1969 - 1972 2851074-3385720 47608A1
270 MIE 350/ V-8 1969 - 1972 2851074-3077735 47608A1
280 TRS 350/ V-8 1975 - 1976 4176250-4770199 N.L.A.
300 Tempest Alpha 350/ V-8 1985 - 1986 6668677-0B430367 76850A2 (9)
300 Tempest Alpha 350/ V-8 1986 - 1986 0A434310-0B430367 18643A7 (3)
300 Tempest TRS 350/ V-8 1984 - 1986 6668677-0B430367 860125T
320 EFI 350/ V-8 1987 - 1989 0A543604-0C622418 18643A7
350 Mag Alpha 350/ V-8 1986 - 1993 0A635178-0F000000 18643A7
350 Mag Alpha 350/ V-8 1993 - 1997 0F000001-0K999999 18643A5
350 Mag Alpha EFI (Gen+) 350/ V-8 1996 - 1997 0F800300-0K999999 18643A5
350 Mag Bravo MPI 350/ V-8 1995 - 1997 0F415189-0K999999 861523A11
350 Mag EFI Ski 350/ V-8 1994 - 1996 0F215561-0F820706 47608A1
350 Mag EFI Ski (Gen+) 350/ V-8 1996 - 1997 0F820707-0K999999 860125T
350 Mag MPI (Alpha) 350/ V-8 1998 and newer 0L010019 and up 18643A5
350 Mag MPI (Bravo) 350/ V-8 1998 and newer 0L010019 and up 861523A11 (8)
350 Mag MPI (Bravo) 350/ V-8 1998 and newer 0L010019 and up 861523A11 (2)
350 Mag MPI Horizon (Alpha) 350 / V-8 1998 and newer 0M300000 and up 18643A5
350 Mag MPI Horizon (Bravo) 350 / V-8 1998 and newer 0M300000 and up 861523A11 (8)
350 Mag MPI Horizon (Bravo) 350 / V-8 1998 and newer 0M300000 and up 861523A11 (2)
350 Mag MPI Horizon MIE (Gen+) 350/ V-8 1999 and newer 0L304700 and up 860125T (11)
350 Mag MPI Horizon MIE (Gen+) 350/ V-8 1999 and newer 0L304700 and up 862975A1 (12)
350 Mag MPI MIE (Gen+) 350/ V-8 1998 and newer 0L002008 and up 860125T (11)
350 Mag MPI MIE (Gen+) 350/ V-8 1998 and newer 0L002008 and up 862975A1 (12)
350 Mag Ski MPI 350/ V-8 1995 - 1996 0F350583-0F799999 47608A1
350 Mag Ski MPI (Gen+) 350/ V-8 1998 and newer 0L002600 and up 860125T
350 Mag Ski 350/ V-8 1991 - 1996 0D505450-0K040399 860125T
350 Mag Ski 350/ V-8 1997 - 1997 0K040400-0K999999 47608A1
5.7L (Alpha) 350/ V-8 1988 - 1993 0B773305-0F000000 18643A7
5.7L (Alpha) 350/ V-8 1993 and newer 0F000001 and up 18643A5
5.7L (Bravo) 350/ V-8 1988 - 1995 0B773305-0K999999 861523A11
5.7L (Bravo) 350 / V-8 1998 and newer 0L010037 and up 861523A11 (8)
5.7L (Bravo) 350 / V-8 1998 and newer 0L010037 and up 861523A11 (2)
5.7L EFI (Alpha) 350 / V-8 1995 - 2001 0F225560-0M299999 18643A5
5.7L EFI (Bravo) 350 / V-8 1995 - 1997 0F355305-0K999999 861523A11
5.7L EFI (Bravo) 350/ V-8 1998 - 2001 0L010035-0M299999 861523A11 (8)
5.7L EFI (Bravo) 350/ V-8 1998 - 2001 0L010035-0M299999 861523A11 (2)
5.7L EFI MIE (Gen+) 350/ V-8 1997 - 1997 0K040300-0K999999 860125T
5.7L MIE 350/ V-8 1988 - 1996 0B788152-0K040306 47608A1 (1)
5.7L MIE 350/ V-8 1988 - 1996 0B788152-0K040306 860125T (4)
5.7L MIE 350/ V-8 1997 - 1997 0K040307-0K999999 47608A1
5.7L MIE (Gen+) 350/ V-8 1998 and newer 0L002003 and up 47608A1 (11)
5.7L MIE (Gen+) 350/ V-8 1998 and newer 0L002003 and up 862975A1 (12)
5.7L Ski 350/ V-8 1985 and newer 0A338533 and up 47608A1
5.7LX (Alpha) 350/ V-8 1996 - 1997 0F601000-0K999999 18643A5
5.7LX (Bravo) 350/ V-8 1996 - 1997 0F601000-0K999999 861523A11
5.7LX Bravo EFI (Gen+) 350/ V-8 1996 - 1997 0F800300-0K999999 861523A11
5.7LX EFI (Alpha) 350/ V-8 1996 - 1997 0F752400-0K999999 18643A5
5.7LX EFI (Bravo) 350/ V-8 1996 - 1997 0F752400-0K999999 861523A11
Black Scorpion Ski 350/ V-8 1996 and newer 0F800000 and up 860125T

233 351/ V-8 1975 - 1977 4173000-4902304 59826A3
233 MIE 351/ V-8 1975 - 1976 4177000-4775784 47608A1
255 (Ford) 351/ V-8 1973 - 1974 3258728-4175499 N.L.A.
255 MIE (Ford) 351/ V-8 1973 - 1974 3258728-4178299 47608A1

377 Scorpion MCM 377/ V-8 2000 and newer 0L416146 and up 861523A11
377 Scorpion Ski 377/ V-8 1997 - 1998 0K000656 and up 860125T
MX 6.2L MPI 377/ V-8 2000 and newer 0L680003 and up 861523A11 (8)
MX 6.2L MPI 377/ V-8 2000 and newer 0L680003 and up 861523A11 (2
) MX 6.2L MPI Horizon 377/ V-8 2001 and newer 0M300000 and up 861523A11 (8)
MX 6.2L MPI Horizon 377/ V-8 2001 and newer 0M300000 and up 861523A11 (2)
MX 6.2L MPI Horizon MIE 377/ V-8 2001 and newer 0M300000 and up 860125T (11)
MX 6.2L MPI Horizon MIE 377/ V-8 2001 and newer 0M300000 and up 862975A1 (12)
MX 6.2L MPI MIE 377/ V-8 1999 and newer 0L670000 and up 860125T (11)
MX 6.2L MPI MIE 377/ V-8 1999 and newer 0L670000 and up 862975A1 (12)
MX 6.2L MPI Ski 377/ V-8 2002 and newer 0M317000 and up 860125T
MX 6.2L Blk Scorpion Ski 377/ V-8 2001 and newer 0L670015 and up 860125T

325 MIE 427/ V-8 1968 - 1974 2278747-3780449 860125T
330 454/ V-8 1977 - 1981 4623115-6083144 N.L.A.
330 454/ V-8 1982 - 1987 6083145-0B816540 860125T
330 MIE 454/ V-8 1977 - 1980 4623110-5889913 860125T
340 MIE 454/ V-8 1981 - 1987 5889914-0B788365 860125T
350 MIE 454/ V-8 1974 - 1976 3780450-4623109 860125T
370 TRS 454/ V-8 1978 - 1987 4883520-0B714586 860125T
400 TRS 454/ V-8 1980 - 1986 5668232-0B457644 860125T
420 454/ V-8 1987 - 1989 0A398941-0B622418 860125T
425 454/ V-8 1990 - 1993 0B622419-0D937011 860125T
440 TRS 454/ V-8 1983 - 1986 6181070-0B485220 860125T
450 454/ V-8 1995 - 1996 0F347100-0F347277 861523A11
454 Mag Alpha 454/ V-8 1986 - 1988 0A631894-0B785148 18643A7 (10)
454 Mag Alpha 454/ V-8 1986 - 1988 0A631894-0B785148 861523A11 (7)
454 Mag Bravo 454/ V-8 1988 - 1997 0B721206-0K999999 861523A11
454 Mag EFI 454/ V-8 1994 - 1996 0F115700-0F802349 861523A11
454 Mag EFI Ski 454/ V-8 1995 - 1996 0F215800-0F820099 860125T
454 Mag MPI 454/ V-8 1996 - 2001 0F802350-0M024999 861523A11
454 Mag MPI Horizon MIE 454/ V-8 1998 - 2001 0L002200-0L674000 860125T (11)
454 Mag MPI Horizon MIE 454/ V-8 1998 - 2001 0L002200-0L674000 862975A1 (12)
454 Mag MPI Ski 454/ V-8 1996 - 1997 0F820100-0K999999 860125T
525 SC Bravo 454/ V-8 1991 - 1999 0D456000-0L415623 861523A11
7.4L Bravo 454/ V-8 1988 - 1997 0B771113-0K999999 861523A11
7.4L EFI MIE 454/ V-8 1996 - 1997 0F874815-0K999999 860125T
7.4L MIE 454/ V-8 1988 - 1992 0B788366-0D715493 860125T
7.4L MPI (L29) 454/ V-8 1998 - 2001 0L010003-0M024330 861523A11
7.4L MPI MIE 454/ V-8 1995 - 1997 0F563052-0K999999 860125T
7.4L MPI MIE (L29) 454/ V-8 1998 - 2001 0L002006-0M025999 862975A1
7.4LX Bravo EFI 454/ V-8 1996 - 1997 0F820000-0K999999 861523A11
7.4LX Bravo MPI 454/ V-8 1996 - 1997 0F602010-0K999999 861523A11

390 MIE 482/ V-8 1969 - 1970 2781129-3213072 860125T
460 TRS 482/ V-8 1983 - 1986 6180970-6181046 816618
496 Mag & HO 496/ V-8 2000 and newer 0M025000 and up 861523A7
8.1S MPI & HO MIE 496/ V-8 2000 and newer 0M026000 and up 860125T (11)
8.1S & HO MIE 496/ V-8 2000 and newer 0M026000 and up 862975A1 (12)

465 Bravo 502/ V-8 1990 - 1994 0C849992-0F213244 861523A11
500 Bravo 502/ V-8 1994 - 1998 0F213293-0L001772 861523A11
500 (Gen +) Bravo 502/ V-8 1999 - 2000 0L414639 and up 861523A11
500 EFI Bravo 502/ V-8 1999 and newer 0L001744 and up 861523A11
502 Mag. Bravo 502/ V-8 1990 - 1993 0C878221-0F114528 861523A11
502 Mag. EFI 502/ V-8 1993 - 1995 0D840650-0F802599 861523A11
502 Mag. MPI 502/ V-8 1996 - 2001 0F802600-0M024999 861523A11
575 Sci Bravo 502/ V-8 2000 and newer 0L306696 and up 861523A11
600 SC 502/ V-8 1991 - 1996 0D456489-0F877642 816618
600 SC 502/ V-8 1997 and newer 0K000227 and up N.L.A.
8.2L MIE 502/ V-8 1990 - 1996 0C878221-0F819619 816805T
8.2L MPI MIE 502/ V-8 1996 - 2001 0F819620-0L674200 860125T (11)
8.2L MPI MIE 502 / V-8 1996 - 2001 0F819620-0L674200 862975A1 (12)

500 Bulldog Bravo 540 / V-8 1990 - 2001 0C577003-0M050281 861523A11
575 540 / V-8 1986 - 1992 0A677429-0D763716 816618
800 SC 572 / V-8 1993 - 1996 0D763836 and up 816618

Mercruiser Sterndrive Parts.
Pre-Alpha, R, MR and MC1 Parts
Alpha One Parts
Alpha One Gimbal (Transom) Parts and Kits
Alpha Gen II Parts
Alpha Gen II Gimbal (Transom) Parts and Kits
Bravo One Parts
Bravo Two Parts
Bravo Three Parts
Bravo Gimbal (Transom) Parts and Kits
TR and TRS Parts
Transom Seal Kits
Gimbal Bearings
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Trim Sender Switches
Mercruiser Engine Parts
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Tuneup Kits
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Raw Water Pump Kits
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Spark Plug Wire Kits
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Exhaust Water Shutter Kits
Ignition Modules
Cooling System Parts
Starter Motors
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Belts and Belt-Pulley Kits
Drive Couplers
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